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Monday, July 11, 2011


We saw a shark the other day, and I was asleep but a big whale came up right next to the boat and they have video of it which is pretty sweet. We´ve been seeing a ton of dolphins which is always pretty cool, but getting a little less exciting. I am really ready for some warm weather again, we are north now up towards England obviously and its freaking cold. I´m currently wearing 2 pairs of socks, long underwear, pants, my spraypants, a t-shirt,long sleeve, midweight zip fleece top, a heavier fleece, my big yellow jacket, a balclava and a hat and gloves, it sucks. We have been in and out of breeze for the past 2 days and today is looking like much of the same, we still have 558 miles to go and it seems like its going to take forever. I´m getting quite bored. I´ve pretty much exhausted myself of the games on Kyle´s Itouch, I´m reading a book about the settlement of the western United States, and have also started reading some of the Economist magazines Cameron brought. It´s getting pretty bad. Somehow I seem to be in decent physical shape just from doing physical labor every now and again even though I am treating my body like crap. Never getting more than 4-5 hours of sleep at a time and having chocolate and chips as a primary part of your diet can´t be good for you. There is so much food on the boat still, and I´ve gotten pretty tired of waiting around for people to cook so I´ve taken up the tactic of just grazing. The problem is I graze, then go read or something, get bored and start eating again. There is also just candy hidden everywhere on this boat. The salon has snickers, milkyways, three musketeers and starburst in it, in the fridge are big bars of Noir dark chocolate, on the kitchen table is a bag of little dark chocolate caps, and in my room is the private stash of chocolate that I brought just in case...temptation bests me everytime.

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